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Effectiveness of Neuromarketing in comparison to Traditional Marketing Methods.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Following are the topics you have to cover:

1) Research Paradigm: Which philosophical paradigm are you rooting for:

a) Positivism vs Interpretivism
b) Quantitative vs Qualititative

2) Data Collection Methods: Tell us who are you going to interview,  How many and how? for example: you can even use a small questionnaire or you can even interview. How many and how? Tell us the duration of your fieldwork and other plans related to it. [Mainly surveys]

3) Data Analysis techniques: How are you going to analyse your data when you have collected it. [SPSS or Ehtnography, phenomenology, hermeneutics, semiotics, discourse analysis.]

4) Ethical Issues.

5) References

NOTE: I have also added the literature review just to give you the basic idea.

132 Words  1 Pages
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