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Cause marketing


            From this perspective, it should be realized that cause marketing is one of the factors that are used for the purpose of establishing corporate social responsibility in which the organization’s promotional campaign us perceived to have the ability of bettering the community while increasing profitability. This also has to take into account the separation of cause marketing which ultimately entails the usage of some of the corporate means that increases the economies of scale of the business (Ballings 238). This is to imply that high profile form regarding the cause-associated marketing mainly evolves at checkpoints whenever clients are required to come up with some charitable donation means. With respect to that, the latter is perceived to take into consideration certain donations that are tax deductable. This is one of the factors that end up making cause marketing not to be regarded as being one of the effective promotional campaigns (Andrews 127).

            Nonetheless, taking into consideration the above perspective, the truth is that cause marketing is one of the parameters that have been used as one of the collaborative system that has that the ability of improving the performance as well as the achievement of the goals of the firm. This will have to take into consideration situ networking systems, collaborative inventory observations, as well as other governmental individual scientists that aid the effective utilization the existing resource (Sunitha & Manoj 41).

            “When we seek to understand the process of behavior change in people, we must first understand change in the context of needs and motivation which drive an individual to some action (Bebko 20). Some of the components that are currently used need to take into consideration some of the assessment criteria that can be used for the purpose of enhancing the general observations of the deployed team and the tasks they are required to accomplish. The reason for that is because it has been realized that cause marketing is one of the economic programs that mainly depends on the success that mainly emanates or depends on the governmental success that originates from the coordinated contributions of the management authority and the organization as a whole (Bebko 23).


            This is to imply that, the governance of the cause marketing methodology is ultimately divided into three parts. The first one will entail the need of utilizing multinational steering stakeholder that can aid in the provision of economic insight.  The second one is the general utilization of the scientific expert panels that is anticipated to have the ability of assisting in guiding the acquisition of some the resources that improves the functionality of the whole system (Guld 4). The last one is the need of taking into consideration the need of utilizing some of the observation coordination groups that is project to have the potential of facilitating diversified collaboration between the existing governmental bodies (Gourville eta al 43).

            On the other hand, the reason as to why cause marketing is perceived to be goos to the community is just as a result of the continued desire of the majority of global nations to collect adequate information concerning the same.  Such information is projected to take into consideration some of the factors such as profit forecasting, the continued management of business resources, the means of countering the effects of existing managerial issues, as well as the utilization and achievement of the goals of the firm (Kuntz et al 61).  The implies that some of the sampling requirements of the majority of the cause marketing applications is something that have been considered to be ultimately driven by some of the societal needs that were established in the late 1990s. Some of these requirements of course take into consideration satellite and situ observing platforms.  The reason for that is because cause marketing is something that have been perceived to be more effective when it comes to the need of moderating the cash discounts that client is to receive at the end of the day (Sunitha & Manoj 47).

            Regardless of the above considerations, the truth is that, despite the essence of interlinking product purchases with some charity donations, some of the field evidence concerning the effectiveness of cause marketing have been lacking. “What we know from the existing research is that linking a focal brand to a cause can generate greater awareness for a new brand and escalate the offering into a buyer’s consideration set” (Ballings 234). The reason for that is because it has been perceived to be one of the areas of concern that has been impacting the reasoning of managers when it comes to the need of understanding how lab experiments end up extending actual consumer purchase (Bebko 30). Therefore, what this implies is the fact that the large scale randomization of the collected research is the one that can aid in documenting the fact that cause marketing ultimately has the potential of increasing consumer purchases.

            In addition to that, taking into consideration the impacts of CM, it is important for the management authority to understand the fact that price discounts also have the ability of impacting the cause marketing as much as sale are concerned. The reason for that is because sales purchasing have been realized to have the ability of following an inverted U-shaped relationship. “To understand the knowledge structure (or scheme) that consumer’s posess anout a brand, we turn to the associative network memory model, or ANMM” (Billing 237). Ideally, with cause marketing, it is evident that piece discounts is something that have been perceived to be moderated. It is these finding that have been realized to have the ability of providing novel insights concerning the mechanisms an organization can use in order to improve the impacts of cause marketing (Kuntz et al 63).  

            As one of the marketing company, it is important for the management authority to ensure that they have championed the importance of cause marketing. The reason for that is because it is this strategy that have been perceived to have the ability of enabling the company to establish purpose-driven and long-term programs that will enable its brands to do well in the existing market or markets (Gourville eta al 48). From the economic perspective, it has been realized that clients, especially, millennials, are seeking better established business enterprises as a means creating a positive social impact. At the end of the day, whenever brands end up engaging in social issues, they believe that they have the potential of earning their loyalty and trust.  Regardless of that, it should be understood from the economic perspective that such a shift in recognition and perception of what the company’s brands plays is something that is quite extraordinary in the modern market (Andrews 130).

            Conversely, according to the modern research, cause marketing is something that has been perceived to be the common norm for the majority of the customers who desires to understand what the business has. In the process of trying to make the modern world a better place to thrive in, it is important for the management authority to ensure that they have come up with the strategies that they can use to support business cause marketing “Among these alliances, cause marketing has gained considerable attention. In its most-familiar form, cause marketing involves the ‘cause-linked’ promotion of a commercial product, with some part of that product’s revenues being contributed to the cause” (Gourville et al 38).

            The reason that makes this strategy to be important is the fact that, in case the enterprise will not have the ability of standing for the cause, it is possible for the potential consumers to opt seeking for the company’s potential consumers. According to research, the management authority should understand the fact that cause marketing is one of the marketing strategies that the company can utilize for the purpose of increasing profits. Other than enabling the company to enjoy the economies of scale, it is possible for the company to support other societal causes (Ballings 243).


            With regard to the above consideration, the importance of the cause campaign that will have to be take into consideration by the management authority will enable them achieve the goals of its establishment. Regardless of the goal to be achieved at the first instance, the importance of using cause marketing is that it has the ability of enabling the management authority to incorporate other measurement system.  The reason for that is because it becomes possible foe such an organization to understand whether the cause marketing campaign used was effective or not. Ideally, some of the cause marketing campaigns the management authority will have to be compelled to engage in include creating brand awareness, product promotion, consumer participation, social media marketing conversations, sales generation, and so on.

            Last, but not least, the effectiveness of cause marketing will ultimately take into account the importance of motivating the audience the community to take an action for instance, donations as well as engaging in certain event or events. Moreover, in the process utilizing projected cause marketing campaign, it is evident that the organization the organization will have the potential of reaching as well as persuading the targeted groups. It is this groups that will enable the organization to make the community to understand the manner in which some its goals are aimed at improving their social responsibility.












                                                            Work cited           

Andrews, Michelle, et al. “Cause Marketing Effectiveness and the Moderating Role of Price Discounts.” Journal of Marketing, vol. 78, no. 6, Nov. 2014, pp. 120–142. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1509/jm.14.0003.

Ballings, Michel, et al. “Cause Marketing and Customer Profitability.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 46, no. 2, Mar. 2018, pp. 234–251. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s11747-017-0571-4

Bebko, Charlene Pleger. “Implications of the Unique Characteristics of Social Causes.” Journal of Business & Behavioral Sciences, vol. 29, no. 1, Spring 2017, pp. 18–33. EBSCOhost,

Gourville, John T., and V.Kasturi Rangan. “Valuing the Cause Marketing Relationship.” California Management Review, vol. 47, no. 1, Fall 2004, pp. 38–57. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2307/41166286.

Guld, Michael. “The Triple Win of Cause Marketing.” American Salesman, vol. 63, no. 8, Aug. 2018, pp. 3–7. EBSCOhost,

Kuntz, Taryn L., and Rodney B. Dieser. “Building Better Cause-Marketing Relationships.” Parks & Recreation, vol. 52, no. 5, May 2017, pp. 60–63. EBSCOhost,

Sunitha, T. R., and Manoj Edward. “Cause Marketing - The Corporate, Consumer and Cause Partnership for Mutual Benefit: An India Perspective.” IUP Journal of Marketing Management, vol. 14, no. 1, Feb. 2015, pp. 39–50. EBSCOhost,

1762 Words  6 Pages
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