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JC Penney's Price strategy case study

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Paper instructions:

This M6 Assignment is based on "J.C. Penny's "Fair & Square" Pricing Strategy" (by E. Ofek and J. Avery, Harvard Business School Cases, 2012, # 9-513-036; in the custom textbook, p. 243-269). You are already familiar with the case and just need to refresh it in your memory. Also, please review Chapter 11 (Peter & Donnelly, 14 ed.).

Your task is to write a learning essay on pricing strategies. You should begin with reading MARKETING INSIGHT 11-2 on retail pricing strategies in your textbook  (p. 197 custom textbook , or p. 175 in the original edition). In your essay please discuss advantages and disadvantages of EDLP and High/Low pricing strategies using the J.C Penny case as an example. It's a good idea to conduct additional research.

Recommended length: 3-4 pages (plus title page and a list of sources). It is recommended to provide a very brief introduction on pricing strategies. You shouldn't reiterate the case, the major part of your paper must be devoted to YOUR analysis of advantages and disadvantages of above mentioned pricing strategies.

187 Words  1 Pages
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