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Quality services


I agree with the statement that quality consumer services benefit the company’s reputation through creating closer and positive connections with the business. The primary element of rapid business success is offering quality services to consumers (Foss & Stone, 2001). In the current consumer-driven sector, competition is intensifying each day and thus exceptional business growth cannot be achieved without unique and quality services.  Quality services are the best strategy that the business can use in marketing itself as a form of business promotion (Foss & Stone, 2001).  The most appropriate business services and product promotion approach is via the mouth marketing.  In that when consumers are offered quality and satisfying services from the company they will gain the tendency of discussing it through social networks which result in a direct marketing as well as increased and positive popularity of the organization. In addition, they will recommend friends and their families to acquire services from the company by offering their positive thoughts in regard (Foss & Stone, 2001).

In my experience, I once acquired hospitality services from a hotel and the services were of great quality. In that, the staffs communicated effectively and quickly to my request with high respect.  In addition, the food was offered on time with inquiries on whether I was comfortable or if there was anything that I required. I was pleased by the services. The company offers quality and yet affordable services and they are mainly objected at satisfying the needs of the consumers. I really enjoyed the service and I would go for more there. I value the company very much and I can never acquire hospitality or hotel services from any other since their service has been nothing but pleasing.



Foss, B., & Stone, M. (2001). Successful customer relationship marketing: New thinking, new      strategies, new tools for getting closer to your customers. London: Kogan Page.

312 Words  1 Pages
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