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Long Stress May Result In Becoming Fat

Commercial Report

Long Stress May Result In Becoming Fat

During the news, the message that was being sold to the public is with regard to health matters through living in a healthy way.  The commercial targets individuals of all ages and especially teenagers and adult who are normally involved in extended stressing.  Obesity is a primary issue in the society today and stress is one of the major causes which when prolonged may lead to being fat.  According to the commercial report chronic stress is directly linked to increased level of obesity.  Cortisol is generated by adrenal glands as a hormone that is later released to the blood in form of stress. This causes the rise of inflammation makes it difficult to regulate body pressure (Lamotte 1).

The weight gain can be explained in that Cortisol release is driven by the receptors that are deeply situated in fat tissues.  Based on the recent studies chronic Cortisol high exposure plays a primary role in maintaining obesity.  In addition, when most individuals are stressed they tend to consume foods that are high in fats and sugar which may increase fats capacity in the body (Lamotte 1).  Comfort foods are normally hard for the body to digest particularly when people are stressed.  Stress reduces the ability of the body to control hunger and in order to slow the mind comfort food are the best options for many. The report made the suggestion that during chronic stress individuals should establish other ways to handle the situation other than just eating which may include, mindfulness, meditation, interactions, and Yoga (Lamotte 1). These strategies are the best in balancing the general performance of the body and ensuring that hunger does not affect the ability of the body to burn fats.


Work Cited

Lamotte, Sandee. Long Stress Might Make You Fat, Study Says. 2017.  Retrieved from


313 Words  1 Pages
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