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Riordan’s Manufacturing Supply Chain Process Steps

  • Riordan’s Manufacturing Supply Chain Process Steps
  • Introduction
  •             Riordan is an international company that deals with the manufacturing of plastics. The company is located in China. The management of Riordan successfully developed a new market where the company will be selling new line of bottles to a Canadian Perfume manufacture in Vancouver. In order for the business to be successful, the company managed to create a supply chain for the new line of bottles using the following process steps.
  •             The first process step was identifying their mission statement. The company’s mission statement relies on Six Sigma, established R & D and excellent ISO 9000 standards. With this mission statement, the company was able to identify all the needs required by the potential client. The other process step was the supply chain reporting structure. This was one of the weak points of the company and was addressed while creating the supply chain. The other process step was considering the competitive advantage. The supply chain was designed in a manner that the company would maintain a competitive advantage it holds in the market. In order to maintain a competitive advantage, the company had an obligation of reducing cost, which leads to lower consumer. The company had also the obligation of maintaining higher customer satisfaction.
  •             The other process step was identifying service development. This entails setting realistic goals in regards to the available materials and cost analysis. The other process step was considering the financial statements. Most of the inefficiencies in the current supply chain are reflected in the financial statements of the company. Therefore, the management used the financial statements to create a supply chain for the new line of bottles. The other process step was to determine the impact on customer satisfaction. This is because the supply chain was intended to have an impact on the customer services.
  •             The most difficult process step was supply chain reporting structure. This is because Riordan does not have a dedicated supply chain executive staff reporting structure. Therefore, the company must have supply chain managers and supply chain analysts to help executive officials run the supply chain.
  • Conclusion
  •             All the above process steps were identified to help Riordant Manufactures increase the level of production and meet customers’ demand with the new supply chain. According to the company, the new supply chain would assist in meeting various strategic goals and gain more income.
395 Words  1 Pages
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