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GoGym Company Instagram Page


                        Research case: GoGym Company Instagram Page


GoGym is basically a (fictitious) attire manufacturing as well as retailer company for variety of gym and exercise products. As any business organization which desires to expand, meet its establishment objectives as well as enjoying the economies of scale, the company has to be in the position of using various media applications in marketing their products. One of these apps that the company largely depends on is instagram for which it will end up launching their Instagram page. This app has been chosen by the management of this company since it is suitable for displaying the various apparels manufactured and other gym and exercise products to be offered to its customers.

Therefore, the purposes of this research paper will be directed at doing extensive analyzing and measurement of the effectiveness of these newly Instagram page to be launched by the company soon. In connection to this, for the essence of gathering quality information, primary as well as causal research will be conducted through collecting both quantitative and qualitative data by surveying the site users as well as from a number of the company’s Instagram page analytics.

Conversely, the key findings from this report will be;

1) Mobiles are the leading devices to be used by the internet users in accessing the instagram page of the company as compared to the three psychographic groups

2) Out of the four age groups, teenage groups are the one which was found be taking a lot of time in accessing the company’s instagram page once it is launched.

3) Out of the data collected, it was found that female will be the leading internet users in accessing the instagram page of the company as compared to men

4) The use of the measures of central tendency in interpreting the Instagram perception of “New-to-Health” and “Gym Junkies”, indicated that the “New-to-Health” were to be the leading in accessing the company’s instagram page and as much as the company will continue using it


1) The company should ensure that it has improved the content of its instagram page for the purpose of making it more interesting as well as more engaging to customers

2) All those who will be in charge of this page should ensure that they have not repeated the same content again and again. 

3) They must ensure that they have come up with appealing information on the page for the purpose of meeting different targeted groups.

4) The company should be in the position of acknowledging what non-competitive advantages are used by its rivals in that instagram so as to meet its targeted group









  1. a) The extent to which the device used differs across the three psychographic groups and the reasons for that

With respect to the above descriptive data, it is evident that is growing considerably. Usually, mobile phones, tablets, and computers are the three main devices which are used for by company’s customers in accessing their newly launched Instagram page. Regardless of that, as the data suggests it is clear that mobile phones with 61.4% is the leading device used by the clients in accessing the app followed by tablets with 22.8% and finally computers with 15.8%.

Therefore, by considering this data and the current technological trend, there are a number of reasons that makes mobile phones to be the leading device used by the customers in accessing the company’s Instagram page (Miles, 2014). Of course it is worth saying that all of the three devices used are equipped with various applications which allow the clients to access the internet but there are other wide preferences which make mobile phones to top the list. First and foremost, this will remain to be the case because in this contemporary days, mobiles especially smartphones have greatly shifted the use of the social media and other online related activities. Similarly, because of their portability, majority of individuals both aged and young now can freely walk around with this gadget and access the internet using mobile phones anywhere anytime.  Similarly, because of the continuous improvement in technology, variety of mobile phones especially has been manufactured by various companies hence resulting to a huge degree of competition and reduction in prices. This makes them to be easily acquired by at least a huge percentage of individuals.  Another reason is because are regularly used for making call thus making people to always have them (PROFES et al, 2004).  

Tablets, mostly termed as ipads, are the most communication devices which have been developed recently unlike computers and mobile phones. Because of this, it then implies that majority of individually have not already made extensive use of them. Equally, although some tablets can be used for making call, their size makes people not to prefer working with tablets. Finally, computers, although some other them like desktops are currently cheaper, they are not frequently used in accessing the internet or making calls as compared to phones and tablets. Moreover, other versions of computers like laptops are relatively lighter to carry around as compared to desktops, majority of individuals do use them in accessing the internet (Miles, 2014). On the other hand, although the trend for the manufacturing and technological improvement these three devices by various companies keeps on changing each day, all of the devices are either expensive or cheap; depending on the customers preferences (Donner, 2015). This is basically what makes the extent at which the three which the device used across the three psychographic groups to differ in accessing the company’s Instagram page.

  1. b) The extent to which the time of day in accessing the Instagram page differs across four age groups and the reasons for that

As much as the time of accessing instagram per day is concerned, a huge percentage online users makes use of Instagram, a proportion which have remained to be unchanged for a period of time. Although to some extent it remains to be unpopular, online women continues to be more likely as compared to men to become Instagram users. Although generally adults take little time in accessing instagram in a day, majority of them use it for business reasons.

In connection to that, teenagers are perceived to be more enthusiastic users of various social media apps and sites (Strom & Strom, 2009). On interrogating them as to whether they use the company’s instagram page, majority of the accepted that fact. Aged individuals do not regularly make use of this application. This then suggests that majority of them have free time of accessing instagram the whole day unlike adults although for them it is not generally for business reasons. It is just for socializing (ITAP (Conference) et al, 2015).

  1. c) The extent to which the interaction time differs across gender and the reasons for that

By having a wider consideration of this data, it is evident that the time for accessing the company’s instagram page widely differs across gender. Traditionally, it should be noted that technology used to be a male sphere. Previously, male used also used to be having a greater interest in technology unlike girls. But nowadays, female have not only become interested with social media but also frequent users of internet applications. Due to this, there are many reasons which can be drawn from that. First, this data indicates that a huge percentage of female individuals regularly do check their various social media outlets multiple times each day as compared to men (ITAP (Conference) et al, 2015). Conversely, female have a greater likelihood of accessing a particular brand or commodities through the use of social media. Only a small percentage of respondents are the ones who acknowledged doing the same. 

Furthermore, although it can be noted that female do make use of media less than men for other business reasons; they frequently use social media for the purpose of sharing personal information than men. This then implies that females are more expressive, vocal as well as willing to share all at least a huge percentage of all they have (English & Johns, 2016). The reason for this is due to the fact that they are much more open in expressing themselves online although conscious about their appearance.  In other words, this is to say that they are more wired when it comes to social networking unlike men. Contrary to that, men do use social media for the purpose of gathering information they do require for the essence of building influence. For them, social media assists in performing research, gathering relevant contacts as well as ultimately increasing their status (Rosen et al, 2015). Males remain to be less confident in expressing themselves in social media in the same way.

  1. d) Using measures of central tendency to interpret the Instagram perception of “New-to-Health” and “Gym Junkies”.

The data below indicates the three measures of central tendency which can be computed from the three groups i.e. new-to-health, social posers and gym junkies.

From the first and the second table, it is evident that the mean and median of the new-to-health tops the list as compared to that of the social posers and gym junkies. Usually, those individuals who are new to new to social media do get much overwhelmed about the extent at which such sites enable them to get connected to multiple individuals globally (Dejong, 2013). This is to say that with time they become more enthusiastic users of communication applications.  Due to these considerations, it then means that their perception about the usage of the instagram page of the GoGym Company is relatively higher as compared to that of the social posers or gym junkies. Moreover, social posers are usually regarded as being individuals who often try to fit or match into a certain social group or just trying to impersonate other people. Due to that, it then implies that they will remain to fake their responses as much as the company’s instagram page is concerned. Finally, gym junkies are of course those individuals who are to some extent not willing or encouraged to frequently engage in exercises meant for building their health. They are such individuals who do something when there is a need. This them suggests that, although the company will be in the position of launching their newly created instagram page, majority of them will not be interested with the gym products that they company will be advertising through it.  Thus, from the data collected, this is what makes mean and median for the data collected regarding their perception about the company’s instagram page to be the last.

  1. e) The variability of the 4 items of “Social Posers” Instagram involvement (II_5, II_7, II_8, II_10)

As the case of any social media, instagram offer a wider opportunity of linking people globally. On the other hand, since social posers remains to be individuals who are largely faking are imitating to be whom they are, it them means that  to them it will not be an opportunity of sharing their real personal life with others (Manning & Hancock, 2003). All they will remain to be doing is masking to be whom they are not hence not letting others to share their experience. When it comes to the issue that deals with the duration of using this site, we can say that they can take a whole week without visiting it. The reason for this will be as much as person keeps on with his or her impersonation game or trying to fit in a social group that he or she does not belong, it implies that with time he or she will lose morale. Besides that, it is true that majority of the social posers will be in the position of using instagram regularly unlike him or her. The reason for that is because they remain to be true to themselves or to their social group as the data below suggests (Manning & Hancock, 2003).

Conversely, as the data below suggest, we can say that social posers does not ultimately care or take into consideration for that what others say about his or her instagram account. This will be because of the fact that such a person does not remain to the real person he or she is and to the point of freely sharing his personal life with his friends as the data above indicates too


Therefore, because of these statistics, it highly recommended that the company should take into consideration the type of group or individuals that it will be relaying information to as much as the recent launching of its newer instagram page is concerned. This is to ensure that such information regarding the products they manufacture have reached the targeted group.


As much as gender is concerned, what it means is that female nowadays have been perceived as having a higher tendency of visiting internet sites as compared to men.  The reason for this is because in most cases females do enjoying sharing their personal life with others through the use of various social media sites or maybe exploring current trends in the business world (Rosen et al, 2015). As the data below indicates, it then implies that the relationship between the female and their interaction times with the Instagram page will be relatively good since as much as they will keep on getting informed they will in return pass that information to others. On the other hand, it true to say that men also like using internet sites for various purposes but generally for a shorter period of time per day. This then suggest that their relationship with the instagram page will not be that effective because of the little interest or tendency they do have in sharing what they have.

Additionally, the different age groups have different priorities when it comes to using or accessing the internet through various social media sites. Therefore, out of the four age groups, teenagers will have a higher perception of using instagram page as compared to adults (Zheng et al, 2010). Other than having extra free time they are also more eager in using such sites in gathering information relating to anything. Contrary to that, in normal circumstances adults are can be regarded as individuals who are categorical in choosing the kind of media site to obtain information from. Therefore, from the data below, we can say that because of the health status, there perception of accessing the instagram page will be higher than that of teenagers for the same reason. In this case, time, preferences, and health status of a person are the main factors which arise out of this.

On the other hand, the instagram involvement will be extensively affected by such factors hence impacting the influence it will have on the number of its monthly visits as much as the three psychographic groups are concerned. Typically, the reason as to why this might be the case is because in most cases, women are considerably more likely to take for instance ‘selfies’ unlike their counterparts (Dejong, 2013). Furthermore, they have a higher tendency of engaging with brands on instagram hence making the network not to worry about the need of attracting more males for the essence of boosting advertising and revenues. This results into higher levels of monthly interaction or visits with instgram in a month for the side of female unlike males (Rosen et al, 2015). Currently, although instagram has be noted to be making small steps toward promoted posts by brands, it will be much interesting to see or consider whether users will have to go elsewhere or gender shift will change once the company’s instagram ad products keeps on to be fully enrolled in.


As much as the above issues are concerened, there are various things that the GoGym Company should take into consideration in case it wishes to its newly launched instagram page is used by the targeted audience;

1) The company should ensure that it has improved the content of its instagram page for the purpose of making it more interesting as well as more engaging to customers (Dave & Smith, 2013). By so doing it means that their page will have the capability of reaching new clients with diverse types of Instagram involvement in visiting and engaging with their Instagram page

2) All those who will be in charge of this page should ensure that they have not repeated the same content again and again.  This is important because once the company does not change the content of their instagram page; those who frequently visit that page will lose morale with it. Thus this can also be detrimental to the company in the sense that the clients will feel that it does not have much to offer to them other that the old gym products and other exercise accessories. In the long-run the company’s will be incurring losses or reduced profit margins.

3) They must ensure that they have come up with appealing information on the page for the purpose of meeting different targeted groups. The reason for this is because people have different tastes, attitudes, preferences, and beliefs. So convincing someone that a product has the ability of meeting his or her demand is not easy. Hence, for the need of ensuring that the instgram page is effective, the information to be portrayed by it should be detailed and appealing (Dave & Smith, 2013). The company should be in the position of acknowledging what non-competitive advantages are used by its rivals in that instagram so as to meet its targeted group

The graph below shows the customer perception in respect to the implementation of the above recommendations;






Strategies (%)  60         




                                                            Customer perception









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3209 Words  11 Pages
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