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Marketing Plan-Brewery starting up

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Describe the new business. Are you product or service oriented? What is the name of your company? Where are you located? Describe the scope of your business activities and the industry you intend to operate within.
1 page

Mission and Vision Statements
Develop mission and vision statements for your firm.
1 pages

Potential Market Segments
List all potential market segments of interest to your firm. Describe them fully using appropriate descriptive techniques including geographics, demographics and psychographics. Give a rating to each segment for how accessible they are; how substantial they are; and how responsive they might be to your marketing activity. Give reasons for your responses.
2 pages

Detail the macro and micro environments having the most effect on your firms marketing activities. What important trends are occurring in the marketplace? Fully describe the nature of the competitive landscape.
2 pages

Target Market
Select your target market(s). Why did you choose to serve these markets? Explain your reasoning fully.
1 page

Product and Services
Create your product and services offering for this market. What specific needs will you be fulfilling. Describe in detail the features and associates benefits of your product(s). Tell me why you feel you will be successful.
2 pages

Set your pricing. What goals are you attempting to accomplish with your pricing strategy. Will you be making future pricing adjustments? Detail your thoughts. (1 page)
1 page

Create a brand image for your offering. Use the elements of value; values; personality; features and benefits as the basis for creating your proposed brand image. Describe your positioning strategy in light of the competitors in your space. Prepare a positioning map as part of the plan.
2 pages

293 Words  1 Pages
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