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Write a report (1-2 pages) giving the context and examples of situations in a marketing environment in which a company can integrate clickstream data (such as the data you can have in Google Analytics) with the following additional data:

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Paper Instructions:

Write a report (1-2 pages) giving the context and examples of situations in a marketing environment in which a company can integrate clickstream data (such as the data you can have in Google Analytics) with the following additional data:
•    Offline sales
•    Campaign data
•    Cost of goods sold (COGS)
•    Survey answers
•    Loyalty card data
•    Product reviews and ratings
Choose 4 out of these 6 examples and do the following:
•    Explain a situation in a marketing department of a real company (choose popular companies) in which combining clickstream data with one of the previous types of data can be useful to make a decision
•    Describe how the company could integrate clickstream data with one of the previous types of data
•    Explain how the company can make a better decision by integrating both types of data together
•    Do it four times for four different companies

163 Words  1 Pages
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