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Paper Instructions:

Ethnocentrism refers to the belief that products from other places are inferior to local versions (see p. 341 of your text and the Glossary). Additional readings on consumer ethnocentrism will be found on the course listing in Blackboard. Apply what you learn about consumer ethnocentrism from these articles to several marketing areas and problems from chart 1 below. Your paper will demonstrate an understanding of how and why consumer ethnocentrism can be used for practical marketing solutions, whether you are an American country brand or a foreign country brand, and whether your markets are domestic or foreign with respect to your country.  Your essay should address how marketers can use such knowledge and information to advantage in competitive markets, in developing and positioning products, targeting consumers, communicating and motivating them to buy a company’s brands. Then essay should explore several product categories, such clothing, food, luxury items, etc. 

Consumer Ethnocentrism Applications: Marketing Areas and Problems  
    Chart 1:
O Marketing Strategy

O Relationship Marketing

O Market Type Strategies

O Product Markets Strategies

O Service Markets Strategies

O International Marketing

189 Words  1 Pages
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