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transparency in Qatar

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

The subject of transparency in Qatar
Introduction on what is transparency and the importance of transparency
Historical introduction about Qatar, you can use the Word Bank website to find information about  transparency in Qatar
Laws that are enacted, you can use the almeezan website

Reforms  in the era of Sheikh Tamim
Organizing and reforming charities
A new law on transparency
E-government (government)
Imperial security whenever it is applied

Educating officials about the importance of transparency and how to implement it
A committee to follow up on these matters and is following departments to raise data periodically
More flexible laws and procedures

How can the rest of the countries benefit from the experience of the e-government

Final group project (40%): Following the group presentation, the same groups of 2-3 students will utilize and apply the knowledge gained from reading and analyzing the case study in drafting a proposal for enhancing and reforming a public service delivery model of their choice in the Arab region. Using the same outline of the case studies, students will identify the issue they want to work on and collect supporting evidence to support their case. The proposal should be about 3000 words excluding references. Upon completing the proposal, students will prepare a 10 minutes presentation to share their finding in the last week of the course.  The purpose of this assignment is to enhance students’ skills in identifying issues related to the public administration delivery and performance, and apply the same framework used in the case studies to put a plan for improvement of the public services delivery model. The following rubric will be used to assess the group Project: 

Component Description Team Work (25) The team worked well together to achieve objectives of the proposal. Each member contributed in a valuable way to the project. 

Contribution (25) 
The contribution is original and addressed a real reform issue in the public sector reform domain supported by strong evidence and indicators 
Subject Knowledge (20) 
The deliverable demonstrated evidence of extensive research effort and a depth of thinking about the topic. 
Language and grammar 

Strong language and clear writing

364 Words  1 Pages
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