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How the world of business is ever changing

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Paper Instructions:

I need a argumentative essay that talks about the ever changing world of business and to take a side in the argument with cited sources and make it so the reader clearly knows your audience 
has to be with this format 
Argument structure
introduction – explains conversation, history of argument, conceptual underpinnings etc.
Thesis/Main Claim
Reason 1 Evidence Analysis of evidence
Reason 2 Evidence Analysis of evidence
Repeat as often as necessary
Counterargument Evidence supporting counterargument (sometimes)oAnalysis of evidence (sometimes)
Concession/Refutation of Counter argument “Some people might think  . . . but in actuality . . .”o“While I agree with this, I disagree with  . . .”o“I agree, but not in all cases . . .”o“I agree with these concerns however . . .”oEvidence supporting counterargument (sometimes)oAnalysis of evidence (sometimes)·Conclusion – What are implications of argument? Why does it matter

140 Words  1 Pages
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