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Assess the potential impact of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure on the financial performance of the firm – a case study in the UAE

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Paper Instructions:

To develop a good understanding of the possible impacts of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) disclosure on the financial performance, you will need to perform all of the following:
A. Read and summarize at least 5 academic papers about the above topic (about 40% of the text);
ü Clarify the notion of CSR and distinguish it from that of charity
ü Describe the channels through which CSR activity affects firm performance
B. Choose and present a real-life company operating in UAE that discloses its CSR activities (about 30% of the text);
C. Analyze the impact of this company’s CSR disclosures on its financial performance (about 20% of the text);
D. Come up with your own conclusion (about 10% of the text).

131 Words  1 Pages
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