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Have you had the opportunity to collaborate with a good leader? What skills, traits, and behaviors made this leader effective?

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Paper Instructions:

Concept of Leadership
Have you had the opportunity to collaborate with a good leader? What skills, traits, and behaviors made this leader effective? In terms of leadership, effective has different meanings depending upon the context in which it is used, and who is defining it. Leadership that works in public and/or nonprofit organizations often differs from that which is effective in private-sector organizations. What is true, however, is that leadership is comprised of specific skills, traits, and behaviors, some of which are innate and others, which can be learned.

For this Discussion, you asses your own skills and traits that you believe would make you an effective leader in public administration. To assist you in assessing your leadership skills and traits complete the “Leadership Trait Questionaire” in Chapter 2 of the Northouse text and one of the following the “Skills Inventory” in Chapter 3, or the “Leadership Behavior Questionnaire” in Chapter 4 of the Northouse text.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 the skills and traits that you possess that you think would make you an effective leader in a public or nonprofit organization in your community, and explain why. Then reflect on the skills and traits you may still need to acquire to be an effective leader in public administration. Explain gaps you might need to fill in order to be an effective leader.

239 Words  1 Pages
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