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Working with external groups is often a central responsibility of managers and leaders in public and nonprofit organizations.

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Discussion 2: Cultural Competence in Public Administration
Working with external groups is often a central responsibility of managers and leaders in public and nonprofit organizations. This responsibility takes diplomacy, relationship management skills, and cultural competency to be able to communicate effectively with diverse groups that exist within networked governance structures.

The changing demographics globally, nationally, and regionally, will require public sector and nonprofit organizations to develop more culturally competent managers and leaders. Cultural competency reflects certain cultures, communication, and policies within an organization that enables it to more effectively serve its diverse populations.

For this Discussion, think about how you would communicate with external groups as a leader or manager and how you would demonstrate cultural competence in your communication with external groups.

Two examples of how communicating with external groups is essential to working within a networked structure. Provide an example of how you would demonstrate cultural competence with external groups in order to develop strong collaborative governance structures.

171 Words  1 Pages
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