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Thinking of a company as a system and understanding the business problems are keys to modeling a solution.

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Paper Instructions:

Understanding and Modeling a System
Thinking of a company as a system and understanding the business problems are keys to modeling a solution. We have to answer the question, Is this project worth looking at? To answer this question, in this phase, we define the scope of the project and the perceived problems, who is involved, and what the system will need to accomplish.
Your first  task this week is to describe the business and the business problem. How does the business system work? Who is involved, and what do they do? Using our massage example, we might find we have massage therapists, schedulers who answer the phone and make appointments, an accountant who does the billing, customers, and a manager. Business may be conducted at a central office and at customer homes. The business problem might be a lack of competitive advantage with other, more automated massage businesses or problems with missed or broken appointments or customers that do not pay for the service.
Next, will need to define the business requirements for an information system to solve the business problem.

193 Words  1 Pages
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