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Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Assume you are given the task of developing retail packaging for a new product. The product and package will be produced in a small town in China and then shipped and sold in the United States. 

The product will be small runs at first and the package will be a folding carton with a three color print. What print methods might you consider for the first smaller runs? Would you change to a different method if the product does well and goes into larger production runs? Justify your reasoning and considerations.  

Your assignment will be in APA format and must include a properly formatted reference list.  You paper must be 1000-1200 words, excluding title page and reference page.

129 Words  1 Pages
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