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A description of risk governance and relevance of leadership, including the importance of having a clear definition of roles and accountabilities, in risk management

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Paper Instructions:

  • A description of risk governance and relevance of leadership, including the importance of having a clear definition of roles and accountabilities, in risk management;
    •    An identification and critical evaluation of the contributing factors to the organisation’s emergence risks, and how they can be addressed;
    •    Critical evaluation of the utilities of enterprise risk management using appropriate theories and models, and how the organisation can implement an enterprise risk management approach within its risk appetite;
    •    Critical evaluation of the organisation’s approach to HSE and employees’ wellbeing, and discuss how the organisation can adapt and build a resilient culture in achieving the strategic growth of the organisation;
    •    A summary plan of how the organisation can develop and embed the culture of risk in managing its day-to-day activities.
139 Words  1 Pages
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