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In your first weeks of reviewing Google Analytics for the company's website, you have noticed that the website gets very little in the way of search engine traffic. You approach your administrator with this information, and she has asked you for a report

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In your first weeks of reviewing Google Analytics for the company's website, you have noticed that the website gets very little in the way of search engine traffic. You approach your administrator with this information, and she has asked you for a report detailing:
•    Summarize organic and paid-search-engine-related marketing and include an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each method, focusing on the Google search engine.
•    Introduce the topics of paid and organic search through an executive summary focused on historical context and current best practices.
•    Hypothesize on how both paid and organic search could be used by Costa's and what results might happen if campaigns were created.
•    Create your own sample Adwords text ad and meta title and description for a page showing in organic search with a justification for creative direction of each.
o    Adwords title limit is 30 characters and 80 characters for description.
o    Search result limit is 60 characters for title and 160 characters for description.
o    All of these character limits include spaces.
o    Paid and organic search example
•    Conclude your report.
o    Why is it important to pursue both paid and organic search campaigns?
o    How are each approaches different in terms of speed at which they work and costs short and long-term?

227 Words  1 Pages
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