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Content theories of motivation revolve around the notion that an employee’s needs influence motivation.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a short discussion over the topics provided.

1. Content theories of motivation revolve around the notion that an employee’s needs influence motivation. Read the article My 5 days of ‘bleeding green’. Apply the content theories of motivation and provide examples of how Publix motivates its workers by satisfying their needs. 

2. Process theories of motivation move beyond content theories by focusing on why people with different needs and levels of satisfaction behave the way they do at work. Watch the 2-minute video that profiles how Hamdi Ulukaya, the CEO of Greek yogurt maker Chobani, awarded his full-time employees an ownership stake in the privately held company—stakes that could create some millionaires in the event of an IPO or sale of the company. Apply each of the process theories of motivation discussed in the chapter to explain the motivational impact of this decision.

The first topic is related to the "bleeding green" article
The second one is over the unhappy at work video 

Incorporate the content theories of motivation in the pictures provided to answer the topics

193 Words  1 Pages
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