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A successful process analysis essay should go beyond simply explaining how to do the particular process; it must also make an argument that reinforces WHY or HOW the reader might benefit from knowing how to do these steps. Ideas: Demonstrates engagement with the topic, recognizing multiple dimensions and/or perspectives with elaboration and depth; offers considerable insight Focus/Thesis: Clear, narrow thesis representing full understanding of the assignment Evidence/Documentation: Evidence is relevant, accurate, complete, well-integrated, well-documented, and appropriate for the purpose of the essay. When called for, uses sources to support, extend, and inform, but not substitute writer’s own development of ideas. Combines material from a variety of sources. Doesn’t overuse quotations or paraphrases Organization: Organization is logical and appropriate to assignment; paragraphs are well-developed and appropriately divided; ideas are linked with smooth and effective transitions. Introduction and conclusion are effectively related to the whole Style/Mechanics: Sentences are structured effectively, powerfully; a rich, well-chosen variety of sentence styles and length is employed; essay is virtually free of punctuation, spelling, capitalization errors Overall: Essay demonstrates excellent composition skills, including a clear and thought-provoking thesis, appropriate and effective organization, lively and convincing supporting materials, effective diction and sentence skills, and perfect or near-perfect mechanics including spelling and punctuation. The writing perfectly accomplishes the objectives of the assignment in mla format

227 Words  1 Pages
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