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Choose a bank that struggled during the financial crisis of 2008. Suggestions include Bank of America, Citicorp, and Wells Fargo.

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Paper Instructions:

It is necessary for you to understand the implications of liquidity risk. In order to do so, please complete the following steps for this unit’s assignment.
1. Choose a bank that struggled during the financial crisis of 2008. Suggestions include Bank of America, Citicorp, and Wells Fargo.
2. Copy and paste this link in the web browser to go to the Federal Reserve website, which is an excellent source for information on the monetary policy.
3. Evaluate the liquidity (risk) over these 4 years. What happened to the bank’s liquidity before and after the financial crisis? Explain the causes of liquidity risk.
4. Review the monetary policy,  How did the monetary policy affect the bank's liquidity after the financial crisis?

134 Words  1 Pages
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