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Ethnocentrism and Cultural Relativism

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Paper Instructions:

This assignment focuses on the concept of ethnocentrism, the idea that others can be judged through the lens of one’s own cultural group, which is superior to another (Sherrill, 2003). Ethnocentric beliefs are often the foundation for many diversity-related arguments in political, religious, and racial discussions. Ethnocentrism can often be seen at the center of arguments about the moral foundations of our society, with each side arguing based on their own long-held cultural beliefs. Others, however, argue that morality is culturally relative and accordingly, so are our beliefs. As such, rules regarding right and wrong, what is moral or just, would be based on our cultural backgrounds.

In your discussion this week, you explored your own cultural dimensions. For this assignment, think about your longest held cultural beliefs, considering how your personal background has influenced who you are today. Consider all of the cultural associations you may have now and in the past including your customs and traditions such as dress, music, dance, family stories, holidays, and celebrations.  

First, take a moment to complete the New York Times quiz "How Y'all, Youse, and You (Links to an external site.) Guy (Links to an external site.)s (Links to an external site.) Talk (Links to an external site.)" to see how dialect can reflect your cultural background.  

Then, write a 1320-1650 word paper (not including the title page) about how ethnocentrism and cultural relativism affect how you see yourself and others.

Specifically address:

Definitions (can be in your introductory paragraphs):
What do you mean by “culture”?
What is ethnocentrism?
What is cultural relativism?
What cultural group(s) do you belong to?
Who or what has influenced you?
What are the cultural norms associated with your cultural groups?
What customs and traditions such as dress, music, dance, family stories, holidays, and celebrations are associated with your culture?
Analyze your perspectives.
What of your perspectives are rooted in ethnocentric beliefs?
What of your perspectives are based on cultural relativism?
Give at least one example of when you have been involved with someone judging you in an ethnocentric manner.

359 Words  1 Pages
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