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How do you plan on evaluating the global marketplace in the future?

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

You, Mike, and Tiffany meet in a conference room to begin to assemble your final presentation.

This presentation will be the project deliverable, so you want to make sure you have provided all of the requirements.

Mike begins, “I think we’ve done some pretty good analysis on our strategy. We just have to put the pieces together before the final presentation.”

“We do have some solid information, but we have to look at all the parts to see if we can remain competitive,” Tiffany adds.

Complete the following:

A balanced scorecard is used to align the business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. Based on your analysis of the company’s four perspectives in IP3, develop a complete balanced scorecard that helps put the pieces together for your final presentation. Once completed, answer the following questions.
What are the considerations that you need to be aware of to remain competitive?
Based on the research and analysis that you have done, can you compete in the market that you have chosen? Why or why not?
What primary factors led you to this decision?
What would you say to someone who would dispute your position?
How do you plan on evaluating the global marketplace in the future?
Please submit your assignment.

236 Words  1 Pages
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