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You will need to choose five products that you want to compare prices. Then, you are to visit two different companies and write down the prices for both companies for the five products that you chose to compare

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Paper Instructions:

You will need to choose five products that you want to compare prices.  Then, you are to visit two different companies and write down the prices for both companies for the five products that you chose to compare.  For example, if you like Campbell's soup, then you can go to Wal-mart and Kroger to compare the prices for the Campbell's soup.  Make sure to write down the information.  After you visit the two stores, in your initial post to the discussion board, you should list your five products, the two companies, and the prices for each product.  Then, you should write a two or three paragraph discussion on the companies' pricing strategies.  Based on the prices you find what can you conclude on the pricing strategies used and do you agree with it.  Why or why not? 

148 Words  1 Pages
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