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Educational Movie Analysis

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

Write a 2 page reflective summary of the main educational issues covered. Think in terms of special populations as we will discuss in this course, language, race, ethnicity, gender, ability/disability, religion, learning styles, SES, and geography.

● How did the teacher/mentor respond to those issues? 
● Is the movie realistic for today’s educational settings? Why or why not?

Remember the Titans
Dangerous Minds
The Freedom Writers 
The Great Debaters
Coach Carter 
Mr. Holland’s Opus
Lean on Me 
Dead Poets Society
Higher Learning 
Stand and Deliver
Waiting for Superman 
Akellah and the Bee
Music of the Heart 
The Miracle Worker 
To Be and to Have
Race to Nowhere
If You Build It
American Promise 
Approaching the Elephant 
Girl Rising
Brooklyn Castle 
Teach Us All 
Eighth Grade
Spare Parts 
McFarland, USA

143 Words  1 Pages
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