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Why We Hate HR

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Read the articles Why We Hate HR and Reasons Why Employees Hate HR. 

Address three out of the five following questions:

Is there more to HR than its predecessor, PA? Discuss the arguments for and against this notion.

Based on your experience, to what extent do you agree or disagree with Hammonds' arguments and why?

In your opinion, who is responsible for HR not reaching its full potential in general? 
Who is responsible for HR not reaching its full potential in your organization (if applicable)?

Based on what you have learned so far, how can HR act as a strategic business partner in general? 

How can HR act as a strategic partner in your organization?

After reading both articles, do you think your employer should increase, decrease or outsource HR roles and functions and why?

Use at least one additional scholarly source and provide the link within the body of your initial post to further support your analysis

169 Words  1 Pages
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