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This paper must connect the theoretical, personal, and historical foundations that inform and guide ethical practice in a leadership role

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

This paper must connect the theoretical, personal, and historical foundations that inform and guide ethical practice in a leadership role.  The paper must respond to the School of Education mission statement by defining and ethic of care and how it is reflected in disposition of care toward self, learners, colleagues, and community.  As part of the reflection, each candidate must analyze the skills he/she currently possesses and determine if any other skills need further refinement in order with conflicting and sometimes paradoxical stances for dealing with ethical/moral issues. 

The paper must 3-4 pages plus APA format requirement including double-spacing, one-inch margins, and 12 Times font. The recommended format of your paper is:

Title page (title, author, institution ONLY)


Body with appropriate APA headings (as student determines)



138 Words  1 Pages
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