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What kind of major conflicts is likely to occur?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

  1. What kind of major conflicts is likely to occur? How would you successfully negotiate for a "win-win" resolution? Please cite from the Meredith, Shafer, and Mantel (2017, chap. 4) text and/or other sources to support your ideas.
    2.    Identify the likely organizational influences (organizational structure, team characteristics, and human factors (Meredith, Shafer, and Mantel 2017, chap. 5) that you imagine your course project will operate within. Tables 5-1 and 5-2 (Meredith, Shafer, and Mantel 2017, 156, 175).
    3.  Discuss how you as a PM could best work within the organizational context, e.g., considering the conflicts, organizational structure, team characteristics, and human factors.
112 Words  1 Pages
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