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This article in Entrepreneur could be used to launch your class. Not only can you discuss these creative campaigns, but you can discuss what makes a campaign creative and does creative ads produce results

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Home work is to be submitted in class (hard copy only). Two full pages minimum using font of 12 or less.  Number your answers.  No citations will be needed.  Be prepared to discuss in class.

This article in Entrepreneur could be used to launch your class. Not only can you discuss these creative campaigns, but you can discuss what makes a campaign creative and does creative ads produce results.

Link for Entrepreneur -

Discussion Questions:

Which of the five campaigns did you think was the most creative? Why?
What makes a campaign stand out as being creative?
Are creative marketing campaigns always successful? Why or why not?
Think of marketing campaigns you have seen recently. Which one stands out in your mind? Why? Would you consider it creative? Why or why not?

144 Words  1 Pages
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