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List the nine major hazard classes as outlined by the U.S Department of Transportation (D.O.T.). Research a news article that covers one of the nine major hazard classes. Identify the hazard and explain how the hazard created the dangerous situation.

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Course book:
Gantt, Paul W. (2009). Hazardous materials, regulations, response, and site operations. Delmar: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781418049928

Question 1
List the nine major hazard classes as outlined by the U.S Department of Transportation (D.O.T.). Research a news article that covers one of the nine major hazard classes. Identify the hazard and explain how the hazard created the dangerous situation.
Question 2
Read the article, “Are 787's Lithium-Ion Batteries Hazardous to Boeing's Health?” Assuming the technical problems with the batteries are factual, discuss the following:
•    The ethical issues in making the decision to retain the lithium-ion batteries.
•    At what level of management should such a decision be escalated?
•    What would you recommend that Boeing do next? Explain your reasoning.
Question 3    
Choose two of the five Respiratory Hazards.  Provide a brief explanation of each hazard and describe a situation in which you may encounter them.  What effects would each of these hazards have on your body?
Question 4
Choose two of the five Respiratory Hazards.  Provide a brief explanation of each hazard and describe a situation in which you may encounter them.  What effects would each of these hazards have on your body?

209 Words  1 Pages
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