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How does Enterprise 2.0 impact the ways we approach Knowledge Management?

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

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1. How does Enterprise 2.0 impact the ways we approach Knowledge Management?

Enterprise 2.0 impacts the ways we approach Knowledge Management in that it gives more people more control and input and great organizations are willing to share how they make all of this work for them.

2. What are various key elements that help embed KM in the flow of work? 
The various key elements that help embed KM in the flow of work are to know when to be in the flow, form design teams and communities of practice around business and operational people, be there at the teachable moment, and use a standard collaboration platform across the enterprise.

3. What are the other principles that may help use see the relationship between investments in KM approaches and their bottom line results?
The other principles that may help us see the relationship between investments in KM approaches and their bottom line results are not to forget about the power of person to person and face to face, understanding that measurement matters, creating an enterprise KM strategy,and link and leverage, building on what you already have in place.

4. What are the various approaches in Creating Enterprise KM Strategy?
Creating a better user experience for employees who belong to multiple groups, promoting efficient use of KM and IT resources, increasing the probability of standardization and reuse of content, providing clarity around the business case and deliverables for approaches, and enabling a focus on content and connectivity, instead of a specific KM approach.

5. What do "Link and Leverage" mean in the context of KM?
Link and leverage is building on what you already have in place or in play, from IT to strategic initiatives that are already getting a lot of attention. Reuse is a good thing for both the planet and for KM. This will reduce duplication of efforts, save money, and reduce the time necessary to design and implement common KM approaches.

6. Where should we go from here regarding Knowledge Management?
To further embrace knowledge management KM professionals can turn to APQC to connect to a worldwide community of peers from all industries and to gain exposure to ready-to-use knowledge.Networking opportunities can be enhanced through monthly web events, annual KM conferences and training series.Lastly for implementation resources access to pertinent benchmarks, helpful assessments, and websites like and can provide implementation resources and road maps, presentations, training, assessment tools, and articles that will help KM professionals make best practices.

Carla O'Dell, Cindy Hubert (2011). The New Edge in Knowledge: How Knowledge Management Is Changing the Way We Do Business.

464 Words  1 Pages
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