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Role as a leader in creating and sustaining a high-performance organization

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

write a 4 pages reflection paper on their role as a leader in creating and sustaining a high-performance organization.  What part does leadership play?  How does the leader need to design an organization system or practice that supports high performing teams, clarity and focus around performance outcomes and knowledge sharing?  What has the student learned up until now to inform him/her of the skills needed? In what areas of leadership will the student need to develop to effectively design and manage a high performing practice or organization?  Keeping in mind the action plan established in Paper One, the student should reflect on their learning and address this learning opportunity (gap identified between current skills and needed skills) in two or three of the following areas:

- Strategic Goal Setting and Day-to-Day management against the strategic goals
- Work / Task/ Process Design (including process improvement)
- Designing and Aligning the Multiple Elements of High Performance Organizations 
- HR Responsibilities of Managers
- Employee Selection, Development, Compensation and Managing for Performance 
- Compliance with and Leading by Example with U.S. Human Resource Legislation

Besides the textbook, should have two additional references from journal articles or books per paper

207 Words  1 Pages
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