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Health care has evolved and changed over the years. You have been asked to speak to middle school students about how health care has changed over the past 50 years. In preparation for your presentation, you researched significant changes in the way health

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Health care has evolved and changed over the years. You have been asked to speak to middle school students about how health care has changed over the past 50 years. In preparation for your presentation, you researched significant changes in the way health care is delivered in the United States, including changes in the business aspect of health care. Discuss and compare the following changes in your Discussion Board posting: 

How has health care changed in the past 50 years?
Describe how public relations influenced the direction of health care. In what capacity?
Discuss how the business components of health have changed.
What are some strategic goals that your organization can implement as it prepares for the next 25 years? 

127 Words  1 Pages
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