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Why might some major organisations, who were world leaders in adopting TQM, now be moving their organisational focus and investment away from TQM and other formal quality frameworks?

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

"After conducting a review of the academic literature concerning Total Quality Management
answer the following question:

Why might some major organisations, who were world leaders in adopting TQM, now be moving their organisational focus and investment away from TQM and other formal quality frameworks? "

Essentially look at the relevant textbooks/studies/suitable online articles and give general background on TQM; its origins, main creators, concepts, examples of companies that implemented TQM. No more than one page it's not too in depth but needs citations to back up statements. Don't make general statements they have to be substantiated. Not a critical review.

After  describe why TQM may be becoming less relevant in modern business. Are former proponents finding more cost-effective frameworks? Companies that are designing there own? Real examples backed up by evidence. Can't be general. Not a large piece of work but concise and still detailed. Honours degree level.

References and in-text citations in APA 6th essential. I will supply some sources of what TQM is as well as the marking criteria. 



178 Words  1 Pages
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