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. Assume you are consulting for Porsche AG about its post-acquisition strategy for Volkswagen and coming up with a global technology strategy for integrating VW best-practices into Porsche’s operations. Use the following concepts to offer decisional re

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Paper Instructions:

  Assume you are consulting for Porsche AG about its post-acquisition strategy for Volkswagen and coming up with a global technology strategy for integrating VW best-practices into Porsche’s operations. Use the following concepts to offer decisional recommendations:
a.    How might Porsche practice “modularity” to utilize VW’s Best-Practices without losing its own Core Engineering Culture and Competencies? Identify Porsche’s and VW’s best-practices and explain what you would merge and what you would keep separate. Why? 
b.    What do you think would be 2 good metrics for assessing the performance of Porsche and VW after the acquisition? Come up with 3 metrics for Porsche and 3 metrics for VW that would measure what each company is good at. Explain.

126 Words  1 Pages
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