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The alliance between Eli Lilly and AMPATH is an example of two organizations strategically partnering together to make a difference in building a better tomorrow

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Paper Instructions:

The alliance between Eli Lilly and AMPATH is an example of two organizations strategically partnering together to make a difference in building a better tomorrow.

For this critical thinking discussion:

Research and provide an example of the alliance of two organizations (even Eli Lilly and other service organizations). Another example of an alliance of two organizations is Giving Tuesday (Links to an external site.); Giving Tuesday | About (Links to an external site.).

Discuss the results of how the alliances work together to make a difference in building a better tomorrow

Your APA-formatted report for this case must be at least 500 words and must include the following headings:

Overview: Provide an overview of the two organizations and their alliance in building a better tomorrow.

Critical Thinking Discussion: Discuss your findings from your research of 1. and 2. above.

Debrief: Share your thoughts, opinions, and any action that you may take to build a better tomorrow based on reflection of your research.

176 Words  1 Pages
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