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Investment Recommendations On BT GROUP

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Chapter 2: Corporate Strategy (25% of total mark) 
This should include an assessment of broad economic and political risk factors together with industrial economic trends. Frameworks such as PEST, Porter’s five forces, and SWOT may be useful here. It is also worth analyzing how economic conditions in the world, the country or the specific market affect the prospects for your chosen company. In some instances it will also be appropriate to consider how regulation and regulatory risk affect your company. 
Chapter 3: Financial Analysis (30% of total mark) 
This should include a financial analysis of both levels (e.g. sales, profits) over time and appropriate ratios over time and cross-sectional (i.e. comparison with main competitor(s)). Credit-worthiness assessment using bankruptcy risk models is essential. A company’s market value should reflect the market’s view on the company’s future profitability so examine share price performance over recent years. 
Chapter 4: Earnings forecasts and share valuation (20% of total mark) 
Explanation of how the EPS forecasts in the analyst’s report have been arrived at, with some explanation of the assumptions which underlie the forecasts. You should also explain how you have valued the shares in order to arrive at your investment recommendation. This section should use several forecasting and valuation models and you should comment on how sensitive your valuations are to using different forecasts and models. 

235 Words  1 Pages
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