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How do soil properties affect traditional and alternative agricultural methods in different regions?

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

How do soil properties affect traditional and alternative agricultural methods in different regions?

You will be discussing past and current issues involving this topic.  Please write at least TWO paragraphs that provide an example of the question prompt while responding to previous posts and bringing up new ideas.  A highly graded post will use correct spelling and grammar and references outside citations.  

Your response should include a brief description of your example and at least two ways it has impacted the environment (think both locally and globally). Please cite (correctly) at least two sources of information you consulted.  Then respond to the posting of at least one of your classmates. Was theirs a valid example and are you convinced by their ideas? Explain your objections or doubts.

Topic 2 Describe an area with significant water and air pollution.  How would you alleviate this pollution?

You will be discussing past and current issues involving this topic.  Please write at least TWO paragraphs that provide an example of the question prompt while responding to previous posts and bringing up new ideas.  A highly graded post will use correct spelling and grammar and references outside citations.  

Your response should include a brief description of your example and at least two ways it has impacted the environment (think both locally and globally). Please cite (correctly) at least two sources of information you consulted.  Then respond to the posting of at least one of your classmates. Was theirs a valid example and are you convinced by their ideas? Explain your objections or doubts.

267 Words  1 Pages
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