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Brand Name and Mission Statement

Brand Name and Mission Statement

Brand Name

The name of the nonalcoholic beverage brand for this company will be AF (Always Fresh) which is a name that is developed to consider the advantage of having the drink fresh at all times. The name of the brand is very important since it creates an opportunity for the growth of the company. Customer recognition will be identified through the brand name and this will assist in increasing the level of output for the company (Wilkins, 2014). With time since the brand is still very new, the customers will have adapted to it since it is simple and clear to understand the name.

Since the products are already known in the market its introduction will be very cheap and straight forward, therefore, creating a chance for the company to venture into any new market fast and easy. Through having a good brand name, customer loyalty will be created which is an advantage to the company since the more the people get to identify with the products the more the chances for the company to grow significantly, therefore, boosting the sales of the company with a large margin. Many people are always attracted to products that they share some value with and this is a great way of getting referrals to the products (West, 2016). The competition will be created in the market since a variety of products are up for sale but with the customer loyalty in place, profits for the company will be huge and significant. The company will experience an increase in purchases over time which is physically enhanced by the increase in sales through customer loyalty and the having the brand name simple to associate with.    

Mission statement

The mission of the company is to produce the best brand, quality, fulfilling and always fresh through the use of best technology for availability to our customers. The nonalcoholic beverage is one of the best brands that make it possible for the company to grow to greater levels. The mission statement is important since it shows the direction of the company from its commencement to where it is headed. Quality products always win the market and therefore the brand developed by Always Fresh is of great quality and have no side effects in terms of making a person lose focus or control (Klink & Wu, 2017). A good brand sells itself and the mission statement assists in making sure that the diverse market will get interested in the products through the mission statement of the company. The company has just implemented a new system that will enable the processing of the commodities faster and in a better way to make it available in the market.

The mission statement will help serve the customers better since its clear meaning increases the curiosity of the brand being advertised. In many cases, the mission statement has won the day for most companies that display the essence of quality. For the case of this company, the beverages have already been tested by the local community and made the brand name known to many and by far (West, 2016). This ideology means that reaching for the bigger market will be easy through the brand name.  Technology has allowed the company to also develop improved products that reduce the chances of causing harm to the consumers. Consumers are the most important people in this company and therefore the need to consider their well-being.




Klink, R. R., & Wu, L. (2017). Creating ethical brands: the role of brand name on consumer perceived ethicality. Marketing Letters, 1-12.

West, J. D. (2016). The Effects of Mission Statement Design on Behavioral Intention (Doctoral dissertation, University of South Florida).

Wilkins, M. (2014). When and why brand names in food and drink?. Adding Value: brands and marketing in food and drink, 15-40.


639 Words  2 Pages
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