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Employee Relationship

Employee Relationship

Employee relations are a particularly deep topic of concern in regards to workplace duties and responsibilities as outlined and regulated by the managers or the owners of a business. Employee relation is the manner by which managers, the owners, and the general staff of a company come together in order to come up with a predefined productive activity. These relations have an agenda of creating a standard which will be useful for the promotion of a consensus (Pettinger, 2017). Basically, the need for this particular article is to allow for the management of a conflict in an organization. Many organizations which are involved in employee chaos are mainly caused by the lack of a harmonious comfortable level ground where working can be done independently. In order to control the conflicts associated with the levels of management, various steps and guidelines have to be set into place to assist govern the employee activities.

These activities can involve a clear outlet of the job allocations which highly solve conflicts in organizations (Pettinger, 2017). A proper analysis of what should really be done to help improve the employee relationship is outlined in this article by Richard Pettinger. Combining the different managerial perspectives to come up with the best strategy to manage the employees is important. These strategies can involve consultation, engaging, and be participative in every area. Mandates of employee bodies that deal with problems faced by employees are greatly involved in helping curb conflicts. Employer associations assist in guiding the employers in the right directions (Pettinger, 2017). Even though the managers hate engaging with the employees, it is a strategy to improve workplace relationship. Being aware and having an understanding of the regulations which govern the working practices helps increase relations at the workplace.

Employee resourcing

Employee resourcing involves the performance, staffing, governing, and the change in management. Staffing basically involves the hiring, retention, dismissal and or the selection of an employee. Policy making and its development are all about the governing of the employees. Resourcing the employees involves making the working conditions favorable for the survival of humanity (Pettinger, 2017). This should be enhanced with respect to the cultural, ethnic, gender, race, religious activity, disability or the sexual orientation of a person. Employee capacity is very important since lack of equalizing the employees brings serious problems or certain individuals being overworked to reduce the workforce in an organization. Specialization can be a better way of defining employee capability. Certain individuals have the capacity to work in particular places while others do not have the capacity to do the same. This ideology helps in improving the quality of production and also giving the employees tips on how to do their jobs effectively (Pettinger, 2017).

While sourcing for employees, it is professional to include find the best through using the CVs, job and work descriptions, and any other personal specifications for the development of ideologies. Recruiting of new employees should be done in regards to how qualified a person is and not on the basis of liking. Observing the organization's cultural values, health and safety, and the general well-being of the employees is very important. Rewarding the performing employees is a strategy that aims at improving the productivity of the organization. Creating a cohesive environment for every employee is crucial as this aims at encouraging teamwork in the organization. Employee resourcing need the dedication of both time and money since selecting the best from many can be challenging at times.


Pettinger, R. (2017). Employee Relations. School of Management

Pettinger, R. (2017). MSIN7014 Employee Resourcing. School of Management


597 Words  2 Pages
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