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Global marketing environment

  1. Global Marketing

Global marketing environment

 It will involve the forces and factors inside or outside a firm which influences the marketing strategies adopted in order to maintain competitive advantage and successful relationships with the organization’s targeted customers.  This will cover both the micro and macro environments that every organization considers when developing marketing strategy for increased growth and achieving organizational goals.  

Global marketing strategy

This will cover the basis, scope and challenges encountered in global marketing. This will include the new challenges being faced by organizations such as international competition, slow growth in global economies and markets, deregulation of industries that were formerly protected and emergence of different global brands.  It will also involve strategic effects of targeting, segmentation and positioning and the manner in which they are developed.

  1. Sources

Global marketing strategies.


This source provides extensive information on global marketing strategy and how it has been adopted by international companies to reach out a wide range of targeted customers. It also covers the research and development on the global market as well as marketing interfaces. It also covers how the global marketing strategy has been regionalized and the competitive analysis of the international market.


International Marketing Environment Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR):

This source provides information on the challenges and opportunities in the international market that is rapidly changing.




  1. KFC is one company brand that is adapting to the global market. This is an American brand that is curving out a good share of the global market. The firm has learnt that to be successful especially in the emerging markets, it had to adapt to local attitudes, values and tastes (Smith, 2012).




Smith, V. (2012). Going 'Glocal': How Smart Brands Adapt To Foreign Markets. Retrieved from:  


305 Words  1 Pages
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