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objectives are normally the focus of a good business plan

Business Plan: Question 1

            According to Finch, (2013), objectives are normally the focus of a good business plan.  This is because they provide a better indication of the aims of the business as well as the direction.  Business plan objectives, therefore, comprises of strategies that can then be transformed into beneficial objectives.

            The restaurant's objectives include increasing the volume of sales by at least 20% by the completion of the first year, developing profits by at least 30% in the following year as well as decreasing the expenses with at least 105 in the following year.  In addition, the other objective is to ensure that the bank loan is paid within the first eleven months. These goals are very achievable, elastic as well as measurable in the context of the business nature.   The restaurant will also aim to ensure that customer’s satisfaction is developed within the first year of the feedback as well as develop fresh product and additional services in the year that follows. Network Diagram with Critical Decisions Illustrations and Time











Finch, B. (2013). How to write a business plan. London: Kogan Page Limited.

187 Words  1 Pages
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