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An organization main objective is to maximize profits

Operations Decision Making

An organization main objective is to maximize profits. Most organization have had to engage in social corporate responsibility in order to create that image that is admirable to and by the society. The project that I was involved in was in a non- profit setting (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). The project involved an organizational play that aimed at entertaining the community and educating them as well. The project pertained educational information of the products of the organization and the benefits that one can derive from them. this project did not only involve the employees of the organization but there were also other musicians involved in order to deliver the entertainment bit as well as have large numbers of people from the various organization attending the concert (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). The project was not easy to come up with as a lot of determination was required from each and every one of us together with communication.

In order to make it a success, the structure of the project was subdivided in order to ensure that all the roles of the project were taken up and there was no repetition of responsibilities. To begin with, there were major tasks involved in the play and the overall concerts such as obtaining the rights, the auditions, rehearsals of the involved actors and actresses and the rehearsals of the performing artists (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). There was also some subtask such as constructing the sets, lighting, printing of programs and tickets in which the money raised was to be used for projects that are beneficial to the community and advertising. I was in a critical path as I was responsible for making sure that the costumes were ready for the big day in order to avoid embarrassment (Meredith & Mantel, 2012). The project manager was very supportive as he made sure that we performed to the expected levels and that all the challenges experiences were solved with immediate effect.



Meredith, J. R., & Mantel, S. J. (2012). Project management: A managerial approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

345 Words  1 Pages
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