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The information systems review challenges more in the electronic business but the current data systems in the electronic business are even more complicated as their features have conflicts with the unspoken hypothesis.  Electronic commerce features are outlined and their highlights are explicated in the expectations that the public have the evaluation on the e-retailing approach.  The main approach in the reach of the e- business internationally is more challenging.  The main challenge is the hardship of defining the public and the sampling locations.  Another challenge is the incapability to rely on the environmental background as an alternative for the enlightening cohesion.  This is a huge challenge given the limited theories that defines the cultural approach of behaviors and lack of awareness of the meaning of culture in the business context and its involvement in electronic (Andersen, 2003). 

            Despite these challenges, the e- commerce systems that are used in the business environment moves afar the linked -group transfer to incorporated information that moves across the valued chain.  To adopt these e-business systems, has showed a hardship as they extend the organizational territories and engages the connections with the outer parties including the trading partners and the groups with the business interest.  This as the sector of retail approaches the electronic methodologies of business and focuses on the internet so as to aid the business sector which has a dictatorial context with the retailer (Andersen, 2003). 

            The introduction of the e-retail in any business causes many challenges to the company both internally and in the external connections. So as to make it possible in understanding the e-retail, it is important to be aware of the shareholders needs, to optimize the flow of information and understanding the possibility of changing the process of business handling (Andersen, 2003). 


IFIP TC8/WG8.4 Working Conference on E-Business: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice, & Andersen, K. V. (2003). Seeking success in e-business: A multidisciplinary approach. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.    

323 Words  1 Pages
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