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Why is it important to conduct a SWOT analysis? What are the weaknesses of a SWOT analysis? Why is that so?

Why is it important to conduct a SWOT analysis? What are the weaknesses of a SWOT analysis? Why is that so?

            Discussion 1

            I agree with the fact that SWOT analysis conducting helps in establishing specific strength as well as unique trends that help in overcoming competition. Competitive advantage means the general advantage that an organization holds over the rivals that are considered to be special (Anja, 2013).  An organization is therefore considered to be effective than the rivals in the particular competitive advantage. SWOT analysis is, therefore, essential in establishing distinct operating strategies.

            Discussion 2

            In my opinion, I agree that SWOT analysis helps in making opportunities, threats, weakness as well as the strength to be more realistic thus helping an organization to attain a competitive advantage.  By identifying the different opportunities in the market the organization is fully able to access what it requires in order to attain its goals.  This, therefore, helps in the prediction of the possible risks thus limiting the expected effects that are imposed by the stated threats.  I disagree with the opinion that SWOT analysis fails in the identification of threats as well as market changes (Anja, 2013). This is because it helps in the setting of realistic goals that are achievable within the available opportunities and chances.

            Discussion 3

It is thus true that SWOT analysis helps in matching an organization’s capabilities with the resources. This is because it helps in the identification of strengths in which the organization is able to evaluate is abilities as well as the available resources. I agree that SWOT analysis fails in prioritizing the major factors because it has no formulation of evaluation of the factors strengths.  It is thus disadvantageous because it holds a list of too many a factors which have not been established based on their benefits (Papajorgji, Guimarães, & Guarracino, 2013).  This can, therefore, cause risks because of the complexity that is generated by the factors ranges.

            Discussion 4

            The occurrence of sustainable advantage occurs when the organization attains the required traits needed in overcoming competition.  A sustainable strategy is an essential approach as it assists the organization in the provision of improved value. This, therefore, includes the strategy of providing products and services that hold greater value as well as lowered prices (Papajorgji, Guimarães, & Guarracino, 2013).  This, in addition, helps in ensuring that customer satisfaction is achieved thus the business remains competitive through developing its business.

Why Is Sustainable Competitive Advantage A Critical Strategy-Making Consideration?

            Discussion 5

            It is very clear that sustainable advantage is an important strategy because it helps an organization in achieving a long-term advantage in the market.  This is because with the sustainable strategy an organization can offer products with a great value which are associated with lowered prices which are distinct from what the competitors provide (Kapoor, & Kulshretha, 2012). Competitive advantage is considered to be successful if it can be maintained.

            Discussion 6

            It is true that competitive advantage is achieved when the organization gains characteristics which give it the opportunities of working an improved level (Kapoor, & Kulshretha, 2012).  This is, therefore, important because the organization is fully able to provide products that are characterized by uniqueness meaning that the competitors may not be able to offer this, therefore, helps in developing the market segment due to improved services.






Anja, B, H. (2013). The Swot Analysis. Grin Verlag.

            Kapoor, A., & Kulshretha, C. (2012). Branding and sustainable competitive advantage: Building virtual presence. Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.

            Papajorgji, P. J., Guimarães, A. M., & Guarracino, M. (2013). Enterprise business modeling, optimization techniques, and flexible information systems.


604 Words  2 Pages
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