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Working in an organization that requires an individual to perform in the designated area is not an easy performance


Working in an organization that requires an individual to perform in the designated area is not an easy performance. Dealing with finances in my line of work has helped me not only achieved my career goals but it has also given me self-satisfaction. Serving as a clerk in the finance department gave me a chance to learn how to go about my daily work. As most of the work is repetitive in nature there was some situation that required some expertise and experience. The finance manager in the department had left to pursue other bigger dreams. There was a position left and one of us had to fill in the gap. In order to qualify for this position, we were required to prepare a complete report of the current individually. During this time I did a self-assessment in order to see if I was ready for the task ahead (Hildebrand, 2005). Some areas such as the financial analysis were a bit challenge as I never handle such responsibilities in my work.

The financial analysis involves reviewing and analyzing the financial statement of a company in order to make better economic decisions (Rodgers, 2008). In order to be efficient in this area, one has to have proper knowledge in financial accounting and financial analysis. I had knowledge in the income and the balance sheet statement but lacked exquisite knowledge in the statement of changes in equity and cash flows (Rodgers, 2008). After I assessed myself I found out that I was not so fit for the position which denied me to serve as a leader. This gave me a push to learn more in order to facilitate myself with all the knowledge of financial analysis techniques.





Hildebrand, D. (2005). Economic analyses of vertical agreements - a self-assessment. The Hague            [u.a.: Kluwer Law Internat.

Rodgers, P., & Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. (2008). Financial analysis.         Oxford: CIMA.

319 Words  1 Pages
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