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  1. When you started working here, what was your goal regarding your work-life balance:

When I started working in this company I had my own personal goal. I became more involved in career and devoted more energy towards work.

  1. Based on your work-life balance goal, how did that influence your job search?

By having a personal goal of devoting myself to the career and more energy at work had a significant influence in my job search. I was also willing to learn more and with this, I became more involved which gave me the energy to work even harder.  The energy in me and the support from my family members played a great role. I gave it my best and I did give in nor give up. With that, I landed myself a good job.

  1. Based on your work-life balance goal, what have you proactively done (if anything) to achieve that goal?

In order to achieve my goal, I had to strike a balance in work and at home. It is not an easy thing to achieve but for it to work I had to involve my support system which is my family. In case of any emergencies, there would represent me. In order to achieve my goal, I had to create and separate my time at work and at home. When at work I have to concentrate and give it my best attention and when at home is all about family. This does not only give me satisfaction but also joy.

It is true to say that achieve any goal in life it is not an easy task and a lot has to be involved in order to be successful. Defining success and having a constant reminder plays a great role. At home, one has to manage the time they spend with the family members. It should be of quality and communicate with other constantly. Also having supportive networks and with challenges both at work and home separately is important. Lastly collaborating with work partners is of great help in achieving work goals.






















347 Words  1 Pages
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