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Research Methodology and Design


Chapter Three: Methodology

Research Methodology and Design

            The research design is defined as the plan that is structurally built to be utilized for the purpose of the investigation to the presented research questions (Vogt, Gardner, & Haeffele, 2012).  Research methodology is, therefore, a plan of investigation to get answers to the study questions (Tavakoli, 2013).

            The current research will, therefore, utilize random sampling method as well as descriptive design. This will be purpose on investigation how the failure of leadership impacts the culture of an organization.  The research methodology will, therefore, seek to establish how morale is affected when bad leadership retails in an organization and how poor leadership affects the motivation of employees thus resulting in low productivity and decreased organization’s efficiency.

Research Method

            Simple random sampling procedure and qualitative design which involves both qualitative and quantitative procedures were selected with the aim of eliminating biases (Antonisamy, Solomon, C& Prasanna, 2010).  Qualitative design that will be used in the research will involve the use of interviews and questions. The questionnaires will contain both open ended and closed ended queries.

             In random sampling surveys will be used fully to ensure that there are no biases in selecting the target population.  Random sampling is crucial for this research as it seeks to ensure that the generated feedback from the respondents is accurate and reliable thus increasing the efficiency on the study (Antonisamy, Solomon, C& Prasanna, 2010). The use of simple random sampling helps in ensuring that every member of the target populations involved (Lim, 2013).  The employees will, therefore, hold equal chances since the method has no effect on the target population.  This method will, therefore, reduce the biases probability in the sampled population.

The qualitative and quantitative method will seek to answer how poor leadership affects the organization culture negative as well as employee’s motivation.  In establishing the impact of poor leadership on the success of any organization open and closed ended questions are thus required. This will help in ensuring that adequate information is generated to increase the reliability of the research.  This information will, therefore, contribute to a beater and organized understanding of the issue of poor leadership in an organization. The descriptive method provides more accurate findings. The qualitative method will seek to provide a meaningful purpose set by sampling the population purposively by using, questionnaires, observations, and interviews. On the other hand qualitative method will utilize measurable data to formulate and uncover patterns in the study (Antonisamy, Solomon, C& Prasanna, 2010).  This will involve the use of interviews and observations to generate more information.

            Since leadership issue is a fragile matter the employees will thus be required to fill I their feedback in questionnaires to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.  The elements of qualitative and quantitative method will, therefore, help in answering whether the organization that they work in holds  suitable leadership, how the employees believe that the issues can be  solved, the impacts of the current leadership in the culture of the organization and also in indicating whether they are motivated employees or not.

            The rationale of using a mixed study method involving simple random sampling and quantitative and qualitative design is to exploit maximum information from the respondents.  In addition, the mixed methodology is helpful in providing information which is essential for comparison in order to make accurate results analysis (Antonisamy, Solomon, C& Prasanna, 2010).  The mixed method that will be utilized by the research will help in ensuring that they provided findings are utilized as references while developing solutions. This is by providing the future researchers with suitable strategies and grounds to investigate on in generating better recommendation.  Random sampling with the incorporation of quantitative and qualitative  designs helps in maintain  accuracy and reliability  as the feedback can be summarized and analyzed  later since adequate data and recording are valuable.

Research Setting

            This study selected the organization because of its reputation on high employee’s turnover and especially a high turnover rate of the organization’s leaders.  The organization, therefore, provides a ground basis to ground the research on by investigation the causes of the high turnover rate. The organization is also essential as it will help in establishing the impacts of poor leadership on the organization culture as well as the negative impacts that are associated with poor leadership. The background of the organization is additionally significant in the current research because the researcher will be able to determine the effects of poor leadership on employee’s motivation. This will help in assessing why good leadership is essential in determining productivity and efficiency in an organization.

            The organization will help in solving the research problem because of its background on poor leadership. Now that the organization has a new and a transforming leader the organization will be able to illustrate the effects of poor leadership on its performance. This will, therefore, help in drawing solutions to organizations on how the employees can be motivated continuously without fail.  The solution to the research problem lies under the effects of poor leadership towards the culture of the organization.  The organization will, therefore, provide solutions on how leaders can increase productivity by motivating the employees.  This will e achieved by establishing the things that the organization’s current leader is doing differently from the previous leaders.  The employees feedback on whether they are motivated will help the research is establishing strategies of leadership that can be utilized to solve the negative impacts of leadership on the culture of the organization. The study setting will be grounded on both the employees of the organization and all the leaders from different departments.


            The target population for the research will be employees of corporation as well as the leaders in the organization. The participants will range from entry level, mid-management, uniformed and civilian and nonunion and union employees. The research, therefore, incorporates both male and female I equal ration to avoid being biased.  A list of all the 400 employees and 26 organization leaders will be used as the sampling frame in which the list was outsourced from the corporation’s employee’s database with the consent of the corporation.

A sampling of the study population was required because it is associated with low cost, accessibility, and availability of all the involved target elements.  Sampling is additionally important to the current study because it is associated with the high speed of processing and analyzing the information that is collected as compared to another method with are characterized by complexity.  This is, therefore, essential in eliminating biases and also ensuring that reliability and efficiency are maintained in the research.

            The sample that will be tested is that of the employees who have worked for more than three years in the organization.  This is because the sample is essential in generating information that is accurate and reliable because of their widened experience in the corporation. The sample population will, therefore, be able to adequately provide answers to my research questions based on their experiences. The employees who have worked for a short period of time may provide unreliable and inaccurate information because they fail to have real and adequate experience of the effects of a poor leader on their motivation and their performance efficiency.

The sample language background is English. English language background was selected to ensure that the employees provide reliable information that can be interpreted easily. This is to ensure that as a researcher am not faced with the issues of interpretation the information which may result in misinterpretation, inaccuracy and the high cost of paying language expertise to interpret the provided information.  The mean ages of the employees are 35 as the ages were selected from 30 years and above because the research required individuals with developed experience in organizations.

            The sample population with be chosen based on working experience, language, and age.  In order to avoid bias, the researcher will, therefore, utilize single random sampling method.

Several participants were excluded from the research sample because of low working experience and also being below the age of 30.  This was to ensure that the information provided is accurate because most individuals who are below thirty years have less experience in a developed organization that has at one time faced the negative effects of poor leadership.  The experience was therefore required in order to participate in the research as most of those below 30 years admitted that most of the have not experienced such scenarios. However, those that were below the age and had worked in an organization that had negatively impacted the working culture due to or leadership were involved in the sampling.


            Data collection tools that will be used in the research will include the use of questionnaires, interviews, and survey tools.  The interview will be conducted by the researcher in the different departments in the organization at a specified time.  This will, therefore, involve asking questions to the employees and leaders and noting down their answers.  With the permission of the respondent, the researcher will record the responses for further reference.  This information will later be summarized for the process of analysis.

            Questionnaires will also be utilized in collecting information. The sampled population will be administered with questionnaires which with be sent via the email. The questionnaires will be sent back to the researcher at the agreed time after filling completion. The questionnaires will contain closed and open-ended queries for a maximum gathering of information. The researcher will then gather all the returned questionnaires for summarization and analysis of the findings.

            In order to avoid the occurrence of bias with the use of questionnaires, observation and interviews pre-testing was done.  This included the consideration of the challenges that might hinder the efficiency of the instruments.The independent variable in the research will be the failure of leadership while the dependent variables will be organization’s culture and morale of the employees.

Data Collection Strategies

            Questionnaires will be distributed several days prior to the specified time of conducting the interview. This is to provide adequate time for the employees to fill the questionnaires and return them to the research. The questionnaires will be distributed through the employee’s email where the email addresses will be collected from the organization employee’s database. Reminders will be sent via SMS and email to ensure that the specified duration is not affected which may slow the research. The respondent will be given 14days to fill the questionnaires after which the interviews and observation will be performed.

            Confidentially of the questionnaires will be maintained as the questionnaires will be returned to my personal email where I will personally be involved in analysis and summarization.  The ethical considerations in my study are ensuring that the participants read and understand the consent form. By signing the form this will mean that they comply with the terms and that I will offer confidentiality to their statements.

Data Analysis Plan

            The obtained data will be analyzed by utilizing SPSS which represents a statistical package of social sciences. I chose the procedure because it is more accurate in analyzing the presented data.  In determining the dependent and independent variables the research will utilize correlation analysis as well as the measures of tendency.

Qualitative data analysis will additionally be utilized in analyzing nonnumeric data via the utilization of quick impressionist.  Qualitative information will be analyzed manually by summarization of the key results and detailed interpretations of the presented research explanations.

            I believe that the information collected with help in strengthening the recommendations for change in the organization. This is because the collected information will be from the employees who hold the actual experience of the presence of poor leadership.  This will, therefore, help in developing strategies that will be recommended to change the current situations.

Methodology Summary and Conclusion

            It is clear that the research will be helpful in developing solutions to the existing issue of leadership in the organization. This is by establishing the effects of leadership failure on the organization culture which will help in the development of suitable strategies to overcome the issues.

            The anticipated limitation is the withdrawal of the respondents due to fear of exposing their organization. This is because the employees may not agree to break the organization policies as they fear the threat of losing their job.  Additional there is also the limitation of inaccurate information. The employees may not present detailed information with the aim of maintaining their loyalty to the corporation. This may, therefore, result in unreliable findings or conclusions that are not based on fact. Time and financial or resources constraints are other anticipated limitations to the research. This is because the study will require the utilization of resources which is challenging for the researcher.
















Appendices A

Introduction Letter to the Research

My name is…. And I am performing the research for the aim of obtaining a bachelor's degree in organizational management at the university of….my area of focus is to fully investigate on is how moral is effected when leadership fails in an organization and the effect that leadership failure has on motivation.

Participation in this research generally involves random sampling and the use of questionnaires to the participants. The participants will be derived from a different organization which will involve organizational leaders as well as the employees. This will, therefore, be essential in generating reliable information which is crucial in analyzing results of this study.

Participation in the current research will, therefore, involve the use of survey, interviews as well as the filling of questionnaires.  Interviews will be conducted by me at a particular time in the different organization in order to increase the convenience of the organizational leaders and their employees. Participants are therefore invited to take place in the research by providing their views in order to improve effectiveness in the organizations operations which will help the leaders in becoming better leaders to increase job motivation.

Thus, with your permission the conducted interviews may be recorded in order to fully ensure that there is accuracy. This will, therefore, avoid misinterpretation or omission of information while writing the interviews feedback.  Participation of all the organizations employees and their leaders is voluntary and therefore no individual will be benefited or disadvantages in any way for choosing to fully participate or denial to participate in this study.

All the responses will be kept confidential and all the personal information provided that would help in identification of the respondents will not be involved in the study report.  The materials of the interviews such as transcripts and tapes will not be heard or seen by other individuals at other organizations, at school or any other place.  I will, therefore, be involved in processing the information myself to maintain confidentiality.  You, therefore, have the permission to deny to answer any of the presented questions which you not sure about or you feel that you cannot participate in. you may, thus, opt to withdraw from the research at any moment with personal need arises.

Please if you opt to take place I the research please fill in all the details required on the form of consent  which is attached and place it I the container that is sealed  in the organization board place. You can opt to contact me on my telephone number for more clarification.

My telephone number is

Your study participation will be appreciated greatly.



Sincere regards










Appendices B

Confidentiality Agreement Letter

I……………………….. ,           Employee/leader…………………………………………………

                                                                                                    (Name of the employee/leader)

An employee/ leader at…………………..organization in……………, having read and understood the requirements of the research I understood the following clear aspects:

That the research participation is fully voluntary

That I may withdraw from the participation from any required time with any or adequate reasons with adverse effects to my operations

My participation or no participation is crucial as it will influence different aspects of the organization's success as well as my operations

The results that will be obtained in the research will strictly be treated as confidential and it will thus not be utilized for the purposes of promotions but for solutions development.

That the research has sincere purposes of conducting the research in my favor


My hereby grant/ deny grant (tick the one that is applicable) permission for my full participation in the research/.



……………………………..                                                                             ………………………………..

Signature of the employee/leader                                                            Date



I, ………………………………………. ,  having the full understanding of the above statement, as explained by the researcher I do agree that employees may take part in the research.





…………………..                                                                  …………………………….

Signature of the organization leader                                              Date















Appendices C



Please answer the following questions with accuracy and much honestly as you can. Thank you so much for your full participation.

Employee’s/Leader’s name:

Employee’s/ Leader’s number…                                            Date…………………



Please fill the following;

Personal details


Sex ………….

Language ………..

Education level……………

Marital status…………..

Phone number………



Please indicate whether you are a motivated employee





Question 1 please indicate your working period in the organization

Question 2 How many organization have you worked for?

Question 3 why did you leave your previous organization?


Question 4 Describe your full experience so far regarding organizational leadership and motivation to the employees


Question 5 Does poor leadership increase the turnover rate of employees in an organization?



Please provide an explanation for your answer

Question 6 how is leadership and the success of the organization related?

(Choose one)

  1. a) Good leadership results in organization success and increased productivity
  2. b) Poor leadership does not de-motivate the employees
  3. c) Leadership and organizational success are not interrelated
  4. d) Leadership, motivation, production and success of the organization are influenced by suitable leaders.


Question 7 Describe the impact of leadership on the culture of an organization


Question 8 Provide reasons why the failure of leadership impacts the organization's culture negatively

Question 9 Describe how the organization's morale is affected due to the failure of organizations leadership thus affecting operations motivation.


Question 10 Apart from motivation and moral how does the failure of leadership affect organizational culture?



Thank you so much for taking your precious time to fill the research questionnaire. Your cooperation is appreciated and your help cannot be underrated.



Vogt, W. P., Gardner, D. C., & Haeffele, L. M. (2012). When to use what research design. New York: Guilford Press.

Tavakoli, H. (2013). A dictionary of research methodology and statistics in applied linguistics. Tehran: Rahnamā.

Antonisamy, B., Solomon, C., & Prasanna, S. P. (2010). Biostatistics: Principles and practice. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education.

Lim, W. M. (2013). Research methodology: A toolkit of sampling and data analysis techniques for quantitative research. Place of publication not identified: Grin Verlag.

3088 Words  11 Pages
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