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Allenton Material Corporation


            Allenton Material Corporation is an industry that manufactures glasses and they are specialized in this line of business in Allentown which is found in the Pennsylvania. Initially it was established in the late 1800s. This organization had the ability to discover ad manufacture more and more glass products and it dealt with a variety of glass as well as ceramic markets and this is what determined its growth and a better reputation (Ellet 2007). This made to be financially strong especially in the 1992 making the whole of Allentown to be in a strong financial and earning position. Don Rogers being the vice president of the electronics product division and it is at this time in 1992 that the state of the company was experiencing a lot of challenges in the company (Ellet 2007). He was therefore expected to lead the company through the challenges and ensure that he succeeds the challenges and make the company to gain growth and to meet the aggressive return profits objective of the organization (Ellet 2007). This paper therefore will major it’s argument on the problems that the organization faced and some of the solutions that would be provided to ensure that the organization meets its growth and great profits as they would be able to compete against the huge number of challenges.

             Competition is the root cause for the fall of many organizations and the electronic product division is not an exception. According to a statement made by the general manager, don Rogers, he stated that the company was undergoing violent competition against some of the constituent manufacturers who were anticipated to be contending for a dwindling total market. This therefore lead to the decline of the organizations performance, reputation that involved its delivery as well as services and missed obligations by the organization had increased. The problem has aggravated thus resulting to reduction in the number of people to be served by the organization as well as the number of employees by the business.

            The action has also resulted to reduction of the daily expenses of the organization as the earnings from the business are quite low to cater for the expenses. As a result the organization has lost control of the business with a lower rate of morale and increased rate of conflicts among the various groups which the organization has failed to resolve. The level of mutual confidence as well as trust is lowering each single day while the gap in the organization is widening thus resulting to poor coordination and at times lack of coordination at all thus affecting the performance and the ability of the business to invent and innovation of new products.  

            The best way to solve a problem in the business is to face the problem and work towards rectifying the mistakes and making changes relevant for the success of the business. Rogers in his leadership he was determined to make a turn of the business by ensuring that he was effective in his reign. He therefore established changes which to him would curb these challenges thus enabling the business to meet its objective (Hoboken 2013). One of the strategies he did put in place was the division of the marketing and sales purpose. Sales according to him would be concerned with daily functions where personnel go searching for orders from place to place while marketing. On the other hand would be responsible for strategizing on the way the organization would be able to make pricing, invention and recognizing new opportunities in the future of the business.  This would thus help the organization to increase sales and produce more of goods to meet the daily demands while as the marketers search for new markets, new products as well as identifying best prices that would gain maximum profits.

            Employee’s morale as well as attitude towards the business is most vital in any business. Therefore in changing the personnel in the EPD Corporation led to an enhanced collaboration and corporation of all the stakeholders in the business.

Improving services in the business as a result of these new employees led to its greater competence as better and high quality products would be produced (Robertson 2009). Different targets were set amongst the different personnel such as the managers and the improvement of the information system that would ensure better communication led to its growth (Hoboken 2013).

            In conclusion, the management of any business has the responsibility to see to it that the organization’s objectives are met. Failure of the business is mostly attributed to the failure of the management while the success is as well determined by the success of the management leadership.  To measure the performance of any business the services rendered as seen from the discussion enhances the business to be competent and hence attracting more of the customers thus increasing demand and also increasing sales as well. Increase in sales will in turn ensure that high return rates are achieved. Employees are also great determinants of success and with them working in togetherness and in cohesion much more success and better performances are witnessed in the business. This is what would see the electronic product division through their challenges in the business.









Ellet, W. (2007). The case study handbook: How to read, discuss, and write persuasively about   cases. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.

Hoboken, N.J. (2013). Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable             knowladge for evidence-based management.: Wiley.

Robertson, D. A., & Caldart, A. A. (2009). The dynamics of strategy: Mastering strategic             landscapes of the firm. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

930 Words  3 Pages
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